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Work Visa Path - Skilled Migration v LTSSL v Essential Skills

Australia: Points Calculator | Skilled Immigration
New Zealand: Points Calculator | work visas

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Work Visa Path - Skilled Migration v LTSSL v Essential Skills

Post by bazwilli2 » Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:05 pm


We are looking at a permanent residence route to New Zealand.
I would like to find out which visa (initially) is most suitable once I have found work (IT Management/Software).

1: Skilled Migration Visa: My Points fall short and I require a Job Offer/Job. Means I can't get this prior to finding work
2: LTSSL Work Visa: Allows conversion to the equivalent PR after 24 months but offer must be on LTSSL (absolute skill shortage).
3: Essential Skills: Employer needs to look locally first but this is not required if offer is on LTSSL.

They all seem to have the same requirements in terms of evidence required.
LTSSL and Essential seem to take a similar amount of time.
For Skilled Migration I am concerned that the process is based on selection and this would not give a potential employer comfort with regards length of notice period.

So can one go over on LTSSL or Essential Skills and then apply for Skilled migrant anyway?
btw. is there really any difference between the two.
Or should I use the Skilled Migration Visa supposing the prospective employer understands the process and the process is guaranteed.

